The last person I saw with some on her fridge said that she had made it themselves, I think that was the story.
Today I went to Staples up the hill and picked up a package of magnetic paper, there were four sheets in the pack. When I got back to the nest a quick Google search found do it yourself magnetic fridge poetry directions.
The parts:
- words
- word processor
- magnetic paper
- injet printer
- sissors
I took the words from the general service list, as the directions suggested. Put the text of the word list in a text editor, cut the extra bits out of the text leaving only a list of words one per line. Took that list and joined the lines together separated by three spaces resulting in a long spaced out line. Put that long line in OpenOffice writer, set the font to "Verdana" 12pt and collapsed the margins. Printed the first page. And cut up the magnet with scissors.
I still have two and a bit sheets of magnetic paper, I think I will do an analysis of one of my programming projects and find the most common words and symbols and make a sheet from that. Programmer fridge poetry, is that a thing yet? I can find Geek Fridge Poetry, but none for Java. Interesting.