Monday, February 21, 2011

console input in java

I wrote up a sample of nice and clean console input with validation, and repeated prompting on invalid inputs.

package org.yi.happy.console;


public class DemoInput {
     * A demo of prompting for and reading validated data from standard input.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
             * get a usable line reader.
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

             * the result of the read loop
            String word = null;
             * keep going until we get what we want
            while (true) {
                 * ask the question
                System.out.print("enter a word: ");
                 * get the answer
                String line = in.readLine();
                 * is the answer what we want?
                if (line.matches("\\w+")) {
                     * save the answer and done
                    word = line;
                } else {
                     * report a bad answer and repeat
                    System.out.println("that does not look like a word: "
                            + line);

             * the result of the read loop
            double number = 0;
             * keep going until we get what we want
            while (true) {
                 * ask the question
                System.out.print("enter a number: ");
                 * get the answer
                String line = in.readLine();
                 * parse the answer
                try {
                    number = Double.parseDouble(line);

                     * range checks can go here (on failure do a continue, on
                     * accept do a break)

                     * it was good, done
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                     * it was not good, report the bad answer and repeat
                    System.out.println("that does not look like a number: "
                            + line);

             * if we get here we have two good answers.

             * do something using the input
            System.out.println("the word was " + word + " and the number was "
                    + number);

        } catch (IOException e) {
             * there was an error, so display it and give up


I don't think I can make it any simpler and still repeat the prompting for input until valid input is given. If there were many inputs being done I could break the logic out into an instance of the template pattern.

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