I ended up with a single HTML file which I have hosted on Google Drive and embedded in an iframe in my personal home screen on Google Sites.
The end result is a single line where the numbers change if there are any notifications to report.

<html><head><title>Facebook Quick Check</title></head><body> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0px; } </style> <div id="fb-root"></div> <div> <span id="login"><a href="javascript:doLogin()">FB Login</a>: </span> Notice (<span id="notice">...</span>) Friend (<span id="friend">...</span>) Inbox (<span id="inbox">...</span>) <a href="javascript:loadStatus()">refresh</a> </div> <div id="out"></div> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>I wanted a fluent API that felt like Google Apps Script server calls instead of the regular Facebook API, so I made a quick one...
function FBRun(parent) { this.successHandler = parent ? parent.successHandler : function(result) { }; this.errorHandler = parent ? parent.errorHandler : function(result) { }; }; FBRun.prototype.withSuccessHandler = function(handler) { var obj = new FBRun(this); obj.successHandler = handler; return obj; }; FBRun.prototype.withErrorHandler = function(handler) { var obj = new FBRun(this); obj.errorHandler = handler; return obj; }; FBRun.prototype.getHandler = function() { var obj = this; return function(response) { if(!response || response.error) { return obj.errorHandler(response); } return obj.successHandler(response); } }; FBRun.prototype.get = function(url, data) { FB.api(url, 'get', data, this.getHandler()); return this; }; FBRun.prototype.login = function(data) { FB.login(this.getHandler(), data); return this; } FBRun.prototype.loginStatus = function() { FB.getLoginStatus(this.getHandler()); return this; } fbrun = new FBRun();Load the Facebook API and check the login status on success...
$(document).ready(function() { $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); $.getScript('//connect.facebook.net/en_UK/all.js', function(){ FB.init({ appId: 'APPLICATION_KEY', }); fbrun .withSuccessHandler(onLogin) .loginStatus(); }); });The code for the login link...
function doLogin() { fbrun .withErrorHandler(display) .withSuccessHandler(onLogin) .login({scope: 'manage_notifications,read_requests,read_mailbox'}); } var perms = {}; function onLogin(response) { if(response.status === 'connected') { fbrun .withErrorHandler(display) .withSuccessHandler(function(response) { perms = response.data[0]; if(perms.manage_notifications && perms.read_requests && perms.read_mailbox) { $('#login').hide(); } start(); }) .get('/me/permissions'); } } function display(response) { $('#out').text(JSON.stringify(response)); }Load the information and start the refresh timer...
function start() { loadStatus(); if(start.active) { return; } start.active = true; function check() { loadStatus(); setTimeout(check, 600000); } setTimeout(check, 600000); } function loadStatus() { if(perms.manage_notifications) { $('#notice').text('...'); fbrun .withErrorHandler(display) .withSuccessHandler(function(response) { if(response.summary.unseen_count != undefined) { $('#notice').text(response.summary.unseen_count); } else { $('#notice').text("0"); } }) .get('/me/notifications', { limit: 0 }); } else { $('#notice').text('-'); } if(perms.read_requests) { $('#friend').text('...'); fbrun .withErrorHandler(display) .withSuccessHandler(function(response) { $('#friend').text(response.summary.unread_count); }) .get('/me/friendrequests', { limit: 0 }); } else { $('#friend').text('-'); } if(perms.read_mailbox) { $('#inbox').text('...'); fbrun .withErrorHandler(display) .withSuccessHandler(function(response) { $('#inbox').text(response.summary.unseen_count); }) .get('/me/inbox', { limit: 0 }); } else { $('#inbox').text('-'); } } </script> </body></html>
Update: limit the data returned to just the summaries by setting the item limit to zero.
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